
Ethan resides in Singapore, a well-known island-nation where nearly all the world’s goods pass by our ports, but never gets to be sold to his countrymen. Loyal to his country, done his military service, now a quarter of a century old.

Loves anime. Cartoon + shoujo + artwork = Happy boy. A relative old-timer to anime, rather obsessed with the drug. Style is to watch few series, but collects almost any mechandise of that series, crap or otherwise, that he can land his greasy paws on. Artwork and Story are the bywords by which he judges anime series. Genre does not matter. Slapstick and ‘moe’ earn extra points.

Used to draw a bit back in college, retired due to a fractured right metacarpal bone. Prefers layman poetry to express in words what he can’t express in lines and colours. Rants quite a bit, to anyone who’ll listen. Loves the people in his life, too.


Ethan is an extremely lazy dumb-ass s.o.b. who can’t get off his butt to do the crucial stuff in his snowed-under life.

 As the days go by while his university readings and shit piles up, he still can find the teremity and serenity to wack the useless crap he likes which others may find incredulous.

Like watching *just one more episode of …* while his 5000-word paper is due in 36 hours. Oh, he forgot the title to his essay. And he was originally tasked to come up with it in the first place. Such is the insanity…

Of course there’re other pursuits, but that’s another story… Nothing freaky. Really!

 But he knows he’s at a crossroads of his life, deliberating with fervent fear (and hope) that he’ll land a decent-enough job once he bloody graduates. 1000++ days of uni life. It’ll either enliven you or kill you. Ultimately it’s useless, as it is not the stars that binds us to our fates, but the f*cking China economy (read Shanghai stock market) that determines the 2008 Honors Cohort’s prospects. He hails from the ever-‘prestigious’ National University of Singapore (NUS) which he affectionately rasps ‘No Use Studying’. Not that his grades are crap though. He made it to 4th year alive and kicking, no depression bouts yet…  

Actually Ethan believes in sunshine and warmth, but likes the occasional rainy day. He thinks the real rain and winds are wonderful. And if you think this ‘intro’ sucked, well, let’s just say he’s read too many bleeding thrillers. They infected his English with less-than-pristine ‘elements’.

One Response to “About”

  1. Wolfheinrich Says:

    Heya, just thought I would drop you a line to say thank you for speaking my mind on that “Dollfie flu” blog post.

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